Assisted Agents

Previously we know Assisted Agent is use for Assisted Workflow which having manual intervention step in it for performing the task like OTP, etc. But, in the latest update (7.5.0) having “Awaiting Input” request status which hold our execution until we finish our task. So, what is use of Assisted Agent ?

@seema.kothari1 Kindly help resolve Ajay’s query. Thanks.

Hi! Ajay,

That’s a great observation!

Assisted Agents are personal Agents or Attended Bots and run on
the users’ machine. Assisted Agents can execute one workflow at
a time.
As the assisted Agents have limited capabilities compared to unassisted Agents, they do not consume regular Agent’s licenses. Assisted Agents can run one Assisted Workflow at a time.

The Awaiting Input feature is applicable to all workflows with Manual Intervention step whether run on Agents or Assisted Agents. Although, such workflows should be preferably run on Assisted Agents so users can provide the input on their desktops.

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Thanks for the answer