Error trying to use Loop step

Hello, guys. I’m trying to use the “Start Loop” and “Continue” Loop, and this error “Error while traversing loop” appears.

Someone knows what’s wrong and how I can fix my flow?

Thanks so much!

Dear Cassiane connect that loop between the OCR Tesseract plugin and the Continue plugin with true hope instead of connecting it with normal hope.

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Cassiane, the issue is that the “Alerta Erro OCR” step does not have any outgoing connections, and this is not allowed within a loop.

It’s as if the automation doesn’t know where to go in this situation.

• If you want the loop to continue after the failure notification, connect it to Continue Loop.

• If you want to exit the loop in case of a failure, insert a command called Break Loop after the “Alerta Erro OCR” step.

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Thanks! I’ll try :slight_smile:

Thanks for your suggestions! I’ll try. It’s been a while since I worked with AE.