Get all the Unallocated Elastic IPs in EC2 account


AutomationEdge is a leader in IT process automation. I want to use the amazon EC2 plugins to monitor my EC2 account for cost control.

How can I get the Unallocated elastic IPs for my account? What should be my approach to build a workflow for the same?


You can use the Get Unallocated Elastic IPs to get your Unallocated Elastic IPs by region.

However, if you need to get all the Unallocated Elastic IPs for all the regions then you need to first get all the regions and for each region fetch the unallocated Elastic IPs. You can design this by using parent child workflows or loop steps.

In the images below I am representing the solution using parent-child workflows.

The image below shows the parent workflow to fetch all the regions.


The image below shows the child workflow to fetch all the Unallocated elastic IPs for each region one by one.