I need help for generating API key for SMS sending I am unable to generate the API Key please guide me regarding this issue.
@AE_Knights - Can you please help?
Hi! Vishal,
I believe you are using wilio to send SMS for OTP.
Please check the following.
- Twilio instance with access details.
- Twilio API Credentials which includes, Account SID and Auth Token.
- Twilio account with a sender number and appropriate access.
Trial Instance
In case you wish to get started with Trial instance
- You may obtain Trial API Credentials to begin with on www.twilio.com.
- In the General tab under Settings scroll to look for API Credentials.
- For prerequisites and appropriate access to send SMS using Twilio’s Trial Account refer to the following URL: https://support.twilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/223134087-Twilio-s-Global-SMS-on-trial-accounts
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