About the AutomationEdge Cook Book category


Get a virtual experience of AutomationEdge technologies at your fingertips.

We have curated the AutomationEdge CookBook channel with a collection of videos for learning the AutomationEdge workflow building blocks, i.e. steps or actions to build workflows. There are deep dive videos explaining step configurations and also in the context of business use cases. There is a playlist for Dashboards Custom Reports to view your business and bot performance in a snapshot.

The purpose is to democratize or bring the process of building AutomationEdge Bots/Workflows to a larger audience like customers, partners, developers, end users and anybody curious to know more about AutomationEdge technologies. You can quickly map your business or IT processes to workflows with its innumerable pre-built actions. We welcome you to deploy Automation at scale.

The collection includes basic & advanced topics & we are extending our repository. So keep watching!

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Excelente Nidhi, os videos foram muito uteis em minha auto aprendizagem. Gratidão.

Excelente Nidhi, os videos foram muito uteis em minha auto aprendizagem. Gratidão. :grinning: