Darshan Hiranandani : How can we determine the success of our IT process automation efforts through metrics and KPIs?

Hi Team,

As we continue to refine and evaluate our IT process automation efforts, it’s crucial that we establish effective metrics and KPIs to gauge our success. I would appreciate your input on the following aspects:

  1. Key Metrics: What specific metrics do you think we should track to measure the effectiveness of our automation processes? For example, are there particular performance indicators or outcomes that would give us valuable insights?
  2. KPIs: Which Key Performance Indicators should we prioritize? Think about metrics related to efficiency, cost savings, error rates, or any other factors that could reflect the success of our automation initiatives.
  3. Benchmarking: How should we set benchmarks for these metrics? Are there industry standards or past performance data that we should use as a reference?
  4. Reporting and Analysis: What would be the most effective way to report and analyze these metrics? Should we use specific tools or dashboards to track and visualize our progress?
  5. Feedback Mechanisms: How can we incorporate feedback from stakeholders or end-users into our evaluation process? What kind of feedback should we seek to ensure that our automation efforts are meeting their needs?

Please share your thoughts and any additional suggestions you might have. Your input will be invaluable in helping us create a comprehensive framework for measuring our automation success.


Darshan Hiranandani