Element can't be found when accessing the login form in the new tab

I am trying to automate login in various email provider. I have tried google, and now I am trying outlook.

For reference. I will be attaching my Workflow here.

Start Browser - Go To Microsoft Website
Delay for a bit
Web Click - Click for the Sign in Button

then it OPENS UP A NEW TAB that redirects to the login form of Microsoft’s Outlook

then delay again…

And I want to insert my email, however. It does not set the value of it.

“Unable to find the element having X-Path [//*[@id=“i0116”]] in expected time”

I think by trying to debug this one, I think AE does not detect the element in the new openly tab wherein I have to input my user’s credential.

I’d appreciate any help or ideas on how to resolve this one.

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If the login opens in a new tab, have you tried to switch tabs/window?

When managing GUI, most of the time you shouldn’t need “delay row” unless the times configured in start browser is very short.




If you want to open login in new tab then try with web switch window and add explicit delay.


Sorry for replying late and thanks @wllmdjngh and @Prajakta_Vikhe the suggestions and the plugins that you guys mentioned worked for me. Have a great day.