Facing issue while opening PS & starting Agent on client machine

Problem Statement: Facing issue while opening PS & starting Agent on the client machine.

Error: failed: connection time out on agent console. Got the error as per the attached screenshot.

Below are the solutions we have tried:

1- tried by running the process-studio.bat file as well startup.bat file as administrator
2- Tried by disabling the proxy from the machine
3- Setup proxy on AEUI and downloaded the proxy file and put it into the agent/conf and process-studio/conf folder
4- Try to run the process-studio and agent with localhost configuration
5- Try by adding proxy setting with Authentication(username & password)

We have tried all the possibility but still, the issue persists. Could you please suggest on this?

We have check the below points & found that the proxy is still enabled on client machine after disabling it from system level as well as from Browser. Then we run below cmd & ask there IT team to disabled it.

To check the proxy setting completely removed or not from the system, please perform below commands on cmd:

1- netsh
2- ?
3- winhttp
4- show proxy