HTML format email body in Send Email step


Please can you suggest how to create a HTML format email body in Send Email step in AutomationEdge Process Studio workflows ?


In the Send Mail step enable the - Use HTML format in mail body checkbox. and in the Comment field select a field containing the HTML text.

You can write the HTML text in the Modified Java Script step. Following is a sample-

var subject = "Failure: Add user to group";

var body="<html><body>"+
"<p><font face=\"Calibri\", size=3, color=\"#003b94\" >Hi Team, <br><br>The member <b>"+P_Users+"</b> is not added into the group due to following reason.<br><br><b>Reason:</b> "+error+"<br></font>"+
'<br><font face="Calibri", size=2, color=\"#003b94\"><br><b>Best Regards,</font><br></b><font face="Calibri", size=2, color="#ff9100"><b>RPA BOT (Tools and Automation)</b></font><br>'+
"<i><font face=\"Calibri\", size=3, color=\"#003b94\" >------------------------------------------------------------------<br>"+
"This is BOT generated email, please do not reply</font></i>.<br></html>";
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