Integrating MS SQL express with AE

Hi Team,

I’m trying to integrate MS SQL express edition on windows machine but not able to. AEUI opens but not able to login with default credentials for the first time. Attached is the log file which indicates that it only supports Postgress or Oracle only. Any idea? (25.1 KB)

I Already use AE with SQL , i Use the Table input activity, but you have to create the connection by using the wizard, in there you will find the MS SQL connection use the JDBC default. but remember you have to have the java files as mentioned in the article

AE Support gave me the solution, I’ll reply here:
It worked for me.

  1. Download the jtds.jar driver
  2. Place it into process-studio/lib directory
  3. Close process-studio and try again.

Hi Amit!

There is a small issue with the error message which has now been changed. The problem you are facing is because you have not entered the database name as expected. The solution to your problem is:

  1. Go to your <AE_HOME> directory location
  2. In that, go to the conf folder
  3. Edit the file
  4. For database.type value, give value as MSSQLSERVER
  5. Save the changes and restart your web server

A sample config is:

Let me know if this helps.

Hi Hemanshu,

Thanks for response. I tried that at clients end and we are still not able to log in.

PFA new logs.

AE_LOG.txt (22.0 KB)

Hi fbaldin,

Thanks for replying.
Actually the issue is with underlying main DB which is used internally for AE. Table input is working as expected, no issue in that one.


Has the issue been resolved?

Hi Hemanshu,

As mentioned above, tried your suggested solution but it didn’t work. We are in the process of approaching the client again for fresh install of AE.