I downloaded the zip file which was 230 mb.
when I was extracting the zip using win RAR it displayed currupted.
when i repaired it and and used in OCR tesseract steps , outputtext was blank
is there any other way to download the file?
if you could give some steps will be more better .
Thank you for hearing me
Again i downloaded the tesseract ZIP file using WIFI which was 650 mb and extracted.
first tesseract data folder path applied(see snapshot)
then I tried with one jpg file and one pdf file and run
but no output in outputtext field
I also placed the jai-imageio-core.jar file in lib folder but same problem found
Yes , I added Generate row and it is able to extract data from image.
1 More Question:
If I want to extract PAN number from PAN Card then how can I do this.
using OCR i able to extract all data from scanned document
But how to extract particular text from scanned document or image?
Still Not working !
if my input rows contains only PAN numbers then it works
But as i am extracting text from PAN card which consist of multiple text.
it is returning N. Question: Do regular expression return the matched Result into field? or simply match the pattern and return boolean value.
Yes it’s Working Fine Thank you!
What I did? I removed ALL the space from string after extracting From PAN CARD to make to it single line.
Now it working absolutely fine.