Proxy details in batch file of Agent or Process-studio


Please could you describe how to add proxy details in batch file of Agent or Process-studio?


Please find details for how to add proxy in Process-studio folder:

- Please refer the screenshot to add proxy details in process-studio.bat file.

Please find details for how to add proxy in agent folder:

- Please refer the screenshot to add proxy details in agent startup.bat file


As per proxy http or https we have to make changes in batch file. Dhttps means (HTTPS) & Dhttp for (HTTP).

if it is not https we have to change -Dhttps to -Dhttp everywhere.

: **************************************************
:: ** Proxy Server Details **
:: **************************************************
REM In case of HTTP proxy:
REM SET PROXY_DETAILS=“-Dhttp.proxyHost=xxx” “-Dhttp.proxyPort=xxx”

REM In case of HTTPS proxy:
REM SET PROXY_DETAILS=“-Dhttps.proxyHost=xxx” “-Dhttps.proxyPort=xxx”

REM In case of proxy with authentication:
REM SET PROXY_DETAILS=“-Dhttps.proxyHost=xxx” “-Dhttps.proxyPort=xxx” “-Dhttps.proxyUser=xxx” “-Dhttps.proxyPassword=xxx”

REM where xxx needs to replaced by appropriate values in your environment