Win Amazon Vouchers, Want To Be An AutomationEdge Champion?

The community is where we learn and grow together.

We honour our community members, who enthusiastically help people & respond to issues until they resolve it:)

You’re the ones who are setting examples to share your knowledge, expertise and humility, which are the values of our thriving community:)

We’re looking for you, yes, YOU, the AE Champion!!!

Amazon vouchers are for grabs if you’re the top responder and resolver of the quarter. Our target is the fastest response and resolution rate; we love to have it as a day or two maximum and zero backlogs of unanswered issues.

Can you help us and everyone? Are you up to this challenge?

What do you need to do to become AE Champ?

  1. In short, “Be an Active Problem Resolver.”
  2. Login every day.
  3. Check out the latest issues to participate in and add value.
  4. Check the backlogs(we absolutely hate it). Answer questions by clicking on “Answer Please!
  5. Be proud AE Champion(s) and win Amazon vouchers.
  6. Also, if you respond 10+ times(the current benchmark would be raised higher as we go ahead), you’d be offered to join a coveted group of experts/warriors, “AE_Knights” with exclusive access/notifications to every new issue to respond fast and higher chances of winning.

So do you have it in YOU?

Like and Comment “Yes” or Post a selfie with our community gesture like this:)

Learn more about AE_Knights here: About AE Knights!