Break row data and store it into multiple sheets in single excel file

How to break row data and store it into multiple sheets in a single excel file?

Hi Akshay,

You can achieve this by doing manually hard coding like:-
If incoming data contains 6 fileds(columns) & you want to create 3 sheets with 2 fileds in each sheet then take 3 different excel o/p steps, specify the same file name but different sheet names in each step & write first 2 columns in first step(first sheet), next 2 columns in next sheet & so on…

If you want to achieve this dynamically the you need to write the code like checking no existing columns, then in loop checking column no & writing it in the specific sheet. etc…

Hi Rohini,
Its about column but we want to take 5 rows in one sheet and next 5 in other so how we can achieve this.

We have Split every … data rows field in File and Sheet tab. Where you can specify number of rows, you want in sheet.