Error! : Can not instantiate browser due to compatibility issue

Hi team,

Error! : Can not instantiate browser due to compatibility issue.
am facing this issue. while run the process. i a have installed chrome 89 version.
let me know what are the chrome versions will support for version 7.0

Hi Arun,

Kindly follow the below steps:

  • Open Process Studio folder

  • Go to psplugins folder and go to the GUI-Automation folder

  • Kindly edit & update the supported/latest version of google chrome
    Ex: 85.0.4183.121

  • After changes made, kindly rerun the workflow.

Hello Rakesh,

I have changed the chrome info… but still i am facing the same issue. i must need to run the process. thank you!

“Error! : Can not instantiate browser due to compatibility issue.”

Hello Arun,

Can you tell me what else is the error in the agent logs?