How to click on clicked icon on desktop

Dear Folks,
Greetings for the day!

As i have challenge here is below steps

  1. bot has to click on taskbar icon for vpn connecton(using surface spy done it)
  2. after clicking on icon one more option to click on connect how to spy that

Have you tried AutoIT? If not, you could use Surface steps. These steps search for an image you identify. Very useful.

Thanks for quick response dear @wllmdjngh
i been used surface steps but i am not aware of AutoIT step, but let me try this.

Thanks & Cheers

Hi @itsmegovardhan,
Could you achieve what you wanted to do? Did you also try GUI automation?

Hi Hemanshu,
Good Morning!

Facing so many issues on GUI Automation we are following up with support Team.

Hi @itsmegovardhangmail,
What is your ticket number?

Ticket number 25176

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