Is PDF file generation plugin tool available or not?

Dear Team,

Kindly confirm that, PDF file generation plugin tool is available or not. If available then which AE version will provide this facility.

Rahul Hande

Hello Rahul,

Currently, we don’t have any plugin for PDF generation. But we have plugins for PDF operations like,

  1. PDF To Text
  2. Read PDF Form
  3. Merge PDFs
  4. Split PDF
  5. PDF To Image

These are available in latest version of AE i.e., 5.6.0

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You can also use Powershell as a printer to print to PDF,"%20-ErrorAction%20SilentlyContinue%20if%20(!

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Through this, can we generate the pdf file? If yes, how to assign or put the content in pdf file( in that above code)