Unable to Create and update workflows on AutomationEdge UI

Hi! All,

i am unable to Create and update workflows on AEUI.

In the error file, I see some errors as below.

2020-03-11 15:44:00 http-nio-8080-exec-2 ERROR RESTInputValidator:56 - Error parsing restvalidation.json

com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Unexpected character (‘"’ (code 34)): was expecting comma to separate Object entries

This indicates that “restvalidation.json” has invalid JSON and application is not able to parse it.
Path: TOMCAT/webapps/aeengine/WEB-INF/classes/ restvalidation.json

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Following is the solution:

  1. Copy all the contents of this file and put it in some JSON Validator/Formator. It should give you an idea about what is wrong in the JSON.

  2. Correct it and put it in the file again and save. Try updating workflow without restarting Tomcat Service. If the error still persists, then you may need to restart the Tomcat Service.

  3. There were special characters present in the value of the display name. Please do all the modifications in your all workflows so that will be work fine.

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