Web Donwload Image Step Configuration

In the Web Download Image Step, how do you configure the “Output file path” option?

Hi @Dival_3282 .
Output File Path must have a variable name that will contain the path+filename as a result of the download. With that you can use this information in following steps as needed.

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Thanks, Wllmdjngh!

I had already done this, but it keeps giving error, as in the sequence in the attached files, see:

Merry Christmas!

Could you share the WF?


Or the .psw file?

Hi @Dival_3282 .
I see you are trying to capture a Captcha image.
Our experience, every time you download the image, it will not be the same as shown on the screen. Better use Capture Image parcial screen. Getting the coordinates of the Captcha image, is cumbersome.
You may use a tool that is available with AutoIt, that shows coordinates in real time and use those for partial screen capture.

Do you know of any videos that show how to implement this?

Haven’t seen any videos using this Image Capture.
I have done quite a bit of exploration to get it right. When you get the trick, you can get much more creative using formulas because not all screens have same resolution.
Other tips.

If you use Image Capture and process needs to execute autonomously, you must setup RDP using AET Controller that will do the RDP to the agent where the process is executing.

Coordinate system of screen starts in upper left corner x=0, y=0

“AutoIt Windows Info” tool will provide coordinates of mouse positions. There are other tools available like Plugins for browser.
Before knowing about the tool, we did explore different coordinates and capture size to locate the image and then fine tune.
You may find the image size in the HTML code when doing Inspect or F12.

Hope these tips helps moving forward with capturing images.

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