Hi, There are a lot of CAPTCHA API in the market, has anyone broke this Captcha using AE?
As an example here a simple captcha that I need to break:
I suppose you solved your issue already as time has lapsed, but still will reply to your request so others can check on this. Capture the Captcha image and send it through Death by Captcha action in Process Studio to a service and they will reply in a few seconds the captured text.
I believe humans are actually used as a prepaid service to read the image and respond accordingly. If in error, you can get your action refunded.
Exactly, we have been using the ready plugin from PS to do so.
Hello Fernando!
Im testing a similar case as yours but when i use the web download image i get the following error:
Web Download Image 2.0 - Invalid image type, supported types are: BMP,JPG,JPEG,PNG or SVG
As the image is not a physical image but a url redirect to a site generating the captcha.
How can you downloaded the image in order to process it by DBC plugin?
Thank you!
We’ve “Web GUI” plugins in PS that have various steps. Using that you can download the image in required format and input it to DBC plugin.
You can use Web Actions to right click, robot handling to use keyboard commands to “Saves As” the image.
From there you can send it to DBC.
Just be aware that some captcha download a different imagem when you do this.
You can also capture the image directly from the screen using coordinates to copy that space.
An other issue I have is I can not get it to work now. In the log it reports the following:
2021-05-29 18:14:03 WF_Verify Emails - DBC: Image INFO DBCRestUtil:225 - DBC Upload captcha image file HTTP response status: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden error
2021-05-29 18:14:03 WF_Verify Emails - DBC: Image ERROR ProcessStudioException:54 - Unable to complete request. Check your account credentials, balance, and ensure you’re using the API correctly. If you’re receiving this message on our API, please check in our website for Updates notices. If this problem persists, please contact support at help@deathbycaptcha.eu. We appreciate your patience and understanding!
2021-05-29 18:14:03 WF_Verify Emails - DBC: Image ERROR ProcessStudioException:54 -
Unable to complete request. Check your account credentials, balance, and ensure you’re using the API correctly. If you’re receiving this message on our API, please check in our website for Updates notices. If this problem persists, please contact support at help@deathbycaptcha.eu. We appreciate your patience and understanding!
2021/05/29 18:14:03 - DBC: Image.0 - ERROR (version 6.1.0 from 2021-03-15) :
2021/05/29 18:14:03 - DBC: Image.0 -
2021/05/29 18:14:03 - DBC: Image.0 - Unable to complete request. Check your account credentials, balance, and ensure you’re using the API correctly. If you’re receiving this message on our API, please check in our website for Updates notices. If this problem persists, please contact support at help@deathbycaptcha.eu. We appreciate your patience and understanding!
2021-05-29 18:14:03 WF_Verify Emails - DBC: Image ERROR BaseStep:2980 -
Any help will be appreciated.
you need to buy credits at the DeathbyCaptcha (https://www.deathbycaptcha.com/) web page in order to use this step. and from there you will get the credentials you need.