Check IP address through ping
Could you please elaborate more about the query.
I want to check bulk IP Address Pinging or Not.
- input - Excel file where all IP Address is mentioned
- Output- IP Address Ping status Save in excel sheet is ping or not.
- send mail - Output file attached and send mail.
mail to is also fetch from excel sheet
whole process complete in Automation edge
Attached is workflow for your whole process and input file for your reference.
IP_Address.xlsx (9.3 KB)
WF_PingIP.psw (23.3 KB)
thank you for share code.
one help is required.
Email is separate sheet and multiple Email to is there for sending mail.
Its depends on scenario, If you have to send mail to only one person then mention single email
In case of sending multiple Emails, provide email ID comma separated in Excel sheet. (20.4 KB)
multiple Email not working please once check please
Now it’s working thank for support.
for multiple send mail i use child workflow and now it;s working.
Thank you!!