Unsupported Browser -WEB GUI

Using https://t4.automationedge.com/
Unsupported Google Chrome Version 95.0.4638.54 and Mozilla Firefox version: 93.0 for AutomationEdge 7.0 process studio to run WEB GUI workflows.

Is it possible or I need downgrade the browser versions?

hello @rpamtest008gmail.com

You can downgrade the chrome version by:

  • uninstalling new version
  • Downloading 94 version
  • Stop autoupdate, if your organization allows it
  • and work with the most recent version

If you want to work with the latest version, please wait for team to update new chrome driver on our server.

Firefox is supported till version 92


After last upgraded to AE process studio version 7.0.1 PLG1 , downgraded or latest versions also not working for Chrome ,Firefox, etc.
message for older version “Start Browser.0 -Unable to find Google Chrome on the system
or for upper version
"Start Browser.0 - Unsupported Google Chrome version : 95.0.4638.54 " ,to run WEB GUI workflows.


Try to install Chrome in Program files or Program files x86 and restart the machine to try the same