How to deregister user of Process Studio, which is incorrectly registered.
How to deregister user of Process Studio, from the “On-demand” instance.
De-register the incorrectly registered Process Studio from its respective directories (Like, D:\process-studio-5.5.0) by checking the Deregister checkbox highlighted.
De-assign license from AutomationEdge UI.
a. Login to AutomationEdge Server URL.
b. Go to Process Studio tab
c. Delete the Assigned User. by clicking on Delete icon. -
Again, assign process studio licence by clicking on “Assign License” button, to the correct user.
Before executing process studio, please delete the .process studio folder from Process studio directory.
Restart Process studio & login with the newly assigned user’s credentials.
If you no longer have access to the machines, you can still de-register from On-demand instance using the steps below:
- Log in to
- Click Process Studio Tab on the left side.
- Click on Assign Agent and untick the users.
After you de-register, the changes will come into effect by midnight(your local time).
After Midnight, you can use the same credential to log in to the latest Process Studio you have downloaded from Ondemand server